Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ode to 2008

Another year...gone. Am I the only one who feels achy and old? Time sifts away "like sands through the hour glass..." and no I haven't become addicted to "Days of Our Lives" since I've been on bed rest thank you very much. I mean c'mon where has the year gone? It's been both the shortest AND longest year of my life. Not to jump on the bandwagon or anything - okay, okay that's exactly what I'm doing - but here are the highlights that have happened to Em-Cat this year...I think my New Year's resolution will be to start referring to myself in 3rd person...

My Alter ego is a Porn Star - The fact of the matter is that some girl is out there pretending to be me AND she's a porn star. I'm still not sure if I should be eccstatic or really creeped out. I kinda feel like Phoebe Buffay and I've just discovered that my evil twin Ursulla is using my name in her porno're right - I should be creeped out. Yeah, that's what I've decided.

I discovered that Ron Paul and I are total homey's - Okay - for all of you who said or even thought I was a "crazy ultra-conservative lunatic" (yes I heard it directly AND indirectly from quite a few people) to be supporting someone who went totally against the grain politically and had the audacity to want to take the country back to its Constitutional roots (Oh that is SO 18th century!) - doesn't his ideals and standards look pretty nice now that our country is in a total downward spiral? I mean we're talking bailouts, a messy war that has totally become Vietnam numero dos and countless other things that I can't even mention because I can't think of them right now (I blame my pregnancy brain - hey whatev, I have two weeks to use that excuse and I'm going to do it dang it!). I just feel happy that I stuck to my guns and voted my conscience, no matter how many people told me I was throwing my vote away. I actually felt at peace after leaving the voting booth and know I did the right thing...SO PA-CHA!

Good bye Uncle Farrell - My mom's brother passed away in April. He was such an amazing Father, Brother, Uncle, Grandfather. He was one of those guys who was very shy and modest and preferred to sit on the sidelines to watch people interract with each other than to do any interraction himself, but once you got him going he was great for a laugh or a nice conversation. He had a full and colorful life and never took his family and friends for granted. He's gone home with his amazing wife Kay and those of us who knew him well are better people for it.

Robbie and I took a trip to the Paraiso de Puerto Rico (I think I sang "I like to be in Ame-ri-ca..." the entire time "I like the city of San Juan...I know a boat you can get on") - It was a total work related trip, but we managed to turn it into a lovely little vay-cay as well. No offense to my PR-peeps, but we were at a bit of a loss. I mean, we totally had a fun time and found cool light houses, explored the old Spanish Fort and fell in LU-OVE with the local comida (our favorite was the tostones and virgin pina coladas). But HELLO - I got eaten to DEATH by mosquitos (BLAST to my sweet blood) and what is up with the policia and ambulancias driving around all day and night with their flashing lights flashing (um aren't you supposed to turn those on in an - oh I don't know - emergency?)? Yeah - and there's this crazy fascination with Wendy's, McDonalds, Burger King and Church's Chicken - in that order...every 1/2 mile or so you'd see the same line up of grease pits. We could be driving through the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden there they were - Wendy's, McDonald's, Burger King and Church's Chicken. Can you say Pa-sycho? Oh and one other thing - where are the waves of the ocean? They just didn't happen in good ol' PR. Needless to say we love our little Newport Paradise and may just go on vacation HERE next time we need a little R&R.

We made it to our 1 year anniversary!! - I'm still in awe that I actually found THE BEST guy on the planet to marry. Many of you may protest - but it's true - My Robbie IS the best guy even if he's just my best guy. By the time my Robbie came along I thought all the good guys had been taken or were members of my family and I wasn't about to go there...eeeewwww. We spent our anniversary in Moab, Utah. We hiked and enjoyed the scenery and totally perfected dutch oven peach cobbler. We felt like we were roughing it even though we stayed in a cabin with lights and a heater. By "roughing it" I mean we had to walk more than 5 feet to use the public bathroom and shower AND we had to cook our own meals - OUTSIDE mind you. Don't worry - we made it through okay and didn't get any diseases or anything. We had tons o' fun even though it was a little far of a drive for a short weekend.

Clearblue Easy confirmed Robbie's suspicions that I was pregnant...I was acting a little more Psycho-er than normal and the only food items that appealed to me were saltene crakers and gingerale. Every time I complained about morning sickness he sweetly reminded me how gung-ho I was about reproducing...he stopped saying that when I chopped is little pinky-toe off though - luckily I let him keep it so he could have it re-attached*.

*For those of you who don't get my humor - that was a joke - I didn't really chop his pinky toe off...but I would have liked to...

I decided to have a good attitude about being so sick and sooooo pregnant - then I got Kidney Stones and spent 4 days in the hospital feeling like death would be a nice vacation. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

Even though I was sure we were going to have a girl...the ultrasound didn't lie - IT'S A BOY!! I didn't know I could be in love with more than one man, but yes I fell madly in love with this little fetus growing inside me. Robbie and I were both so excited when we found out we were having a boy and just the other day we found out that his *ahem* manhood is quite impressive. Needless to say, Robbie is a very proud papa.

I get put on bed rest and get to spend each day focusing on my little J-Dawg. I wasn't happy at first, but realized that this was God's way of giving me an opportunity to serve and sacrifice for my little man. It's truly been a growing experience and I've really felt priviledged to be my little J's mommy. I look forward to being his mommy when he comes to us in this life and on through the eternities.

I Voted Yes on Prop 8. I ain't gonna lie...this has been a tough one for me. I felt so bad (actually the words hurt and angry sum up a little better what I was feeling) about the scrutiny the church was getting for our support of Prop 8, but I'm glad I stuck to my guns and felt confident in my vote. I felt horrible about the protests at the Temples, but this whole experience has taught me to love everyone, despite our difference of opinions. I honestly pray each night that I will love those who are against Prop 8 and it has really made all the difference to me. I've also gained a greater assurance that Thomas S. Monson is truly a prophet of God and I will stand by him through sunshine and storm. I don't have any more hurt or anger over this issue and feel like I understand a little more what it means to love my fellow men.

Well, as I stand on the threshold of motherhood and look back at 2008 I'd say I've learned a lot this year and all I can say to 2009...BRING IT ON BABY!!!


Evaly said...

It's been a busy year! I predict 2009 will be even more exciting- as soon as that baby is done cooking :)

Em-Cat said...

Oh yes it will be - I'm sure I have no idea how exciting 2009 will be!

Melissa said...

You are going to embarrass your children to death! I'll have to make sure they always know that they have my shoulder to cry on. You do realize that I'll be showing J-Dawg the comment about his...well, you know...when he's 13...wait maybe I'd better wait until he's 25 or so. He'll be able to laugh about it then.

TheDooleys4 said...

I'm getting excited for you Em! My SIL who was due the same day as you had her baby today! YOU are next!!!!!!!!You are gonna' be one hell of a good mommy! Oh, I mean heck.....Can't swear around J-Dawg!

Em-Cat said...

Whatev Bee...if J-Dawg is anything like his papa he's going to be super proud of it and tell all his friends so they'll be jealous.

Rach - aw shucks you're so nice...though I am a little depressed that your SIL got to have her baby early and I'm still stuck in my panic room waiting, and waiting, and WAITING!!! I'll probably be 2 weeks late just because I'm ready now. *sigh*

naomi3 said...

Can't wait until you pop! :0)

Maybe you should write for a magazine or newspaper because your writing is great! Now don't let your head get too big! It would just be a great way to stay home with baby!

Em-Cat said...

Don't worry Naomi...My head isn't getting big, I know I need to get a LOT better to write the next great American'll come sometime! In the meanwhile, I'll just keep practicing. And yes, I may just be able to break into the "writer" profession in order to stay at home with the kiddos.

naomi3 said...

You should write to Lisa, and ask her about it. I know she does some writing for something in Denver. That would be awesome!
I'm sure you could write a book. In that I have no doubt!

TheDooleys4 said...

Jules Hiatt Caldwell is also a published author. I can get you her contact info if you want....Oh and this is from a whole bunch of my Hommies all asking me where you are......When you gonna join the cool kids on Facebook? We need Em-cat!

Em-Cat said...

In my last comment did I just say "In the meanwhile..."?Nevermind. I think my dreams of becoming a writer are shattered if crap like that comes out of my head. Good idea to contact Lisa and Julie!

Rach - my sis tells me all my friends are requesting to be her friends on Facebook because they don't know where I am...I know, I know - I don't really know what's not making me join other than I don't want to give into peer pressure just because it's something my friends think is "cool"! :-)

TheDooleys4 said...

Facebook is fantastic! Seriously. I am in touch w/ people from High School, College and even my Mission. It's great and lots of fun! But, as Lavar Burton says, "You don't have to take my word for it." Holy crap, can you tell I spend my days with a 7 year old and a 5 year old? I just quoted reading rainbow!