Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 is going to be the BEST YEAR EVER!

Can I just say that my job and I have this love/hate relationship? No? Well I just did and I'm not taking it back. I hate it because of all the corporate hoo hah I have to deal with. I could go into detail, but then I would just be complaining and that would make me the most depressing blogger on the internet. So, you're welcome for being a little more positive with my blogging (just this post - the next one is going to be SUPER depressing).

But I digress...I love my job because of all the diverse and interesting people I become friends with. Yes that's right - I said friends. Most all of my clients are people who I love dearly. I can't say I would hang out with all of them, but they are people I genuinely care about even though we are on two opposite ends of the crazy spectrum.

Case in point:

This afternoon while I was working in one of my stores, I asked one young man how his New Year has gone so far. Now I usually say something like, "How were your holidays" or, "Did you have a good Christmas?" But it just came out like "How has your new year been so far?" It seemed like a pretty harmless and normal question to ask someone.In the ten+ years I have been in the Health Food Industry, I should be used to unusual responses to seemingly normal questions (But really, what is "normal" anyway?). I was still shocked when our conversation proceeded like this:

C - "This year has been absolutely fabulous and you want to know something else? You will be blown away by the things that are going to happen this year."

Me - "OOOHHH! I love your optimism. Tell me what is going to happen this year."

C - "Well, first off space travel is going to be something that everyone is going to be able to experience. We'll be able to visit different planets."

Me - "'s cool."

C - "Yeah - well we've been communicating with aliens since the '50s and this year they're going to make themselves publicly known to us and give us the opportunity to visit their planets."Me - "Uh...he he...that's awesome! I can't wait."

C - "It's going to be amazing. So many good things are going to happen this year."

He then went on to tell me how marijuana is going to be legalized, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.

Now...the problem isn't that this man believes in aliens. Quite honestly there are a lot of people who do and I'm not going to judge a person based on their core beliefs. I think the problem is me. I don't believe we are communicating with aliens and I don't think there is any chance that 2010 is going to be the year where my husband and I sponsor a little alien exchange student. I actually sat there and pretended like I believed everything he said to me without batting an eye.

Sheesh...I'm such a liar.


Sarah said...

That sounds exactly what someone would say to you!! We Seamons are so nice that we would never tell someone they were out of their minds.

Evaly said...

Wow- good to know! I guess it's going to be a better year than I was expecting :)

TheDooleys4 said...

Mwah,ha,ha,ha! Crazy health nuts!!!

Shana said...

Mah, mah (in a mars attacks voice)

Heather and Kevin said...

haha I have no clue how I would have responded to that. Good job for keeping a straight face.

Stephanie said...

I agree with Heather...what the?!? I would have busted a gut and that is way more rude than lying to be polite :-) Have a great 2010!

Cecily R said...

I am SO relieved. It's about freakin' time I got to go to the moon.

LemurQueen said...

OMG OMG OMG!! Other planets?!? Aliens?!?! How freakiin RAD - Dude! You should have asked him if he's bought his ticket for the 1st flight "out there" yet....LOL