Tuesday, January 13, 2009

RandEM-CATs - Pregnancy Style

I think I've just been enlightened. I've decided that whenever I have a crazy random thought or funny dream or I just want to get something off my chest, I'm going to give you a few "RandEM-CAT's" - clever title huh? Yeah - that's probably only clever in my head...

So without further ado, Here are a few RandEM's for your reading pleasure...

  1. What is UP with 80 degrees in January? I didn't think I'd be sweating like a pregnant cow in the MIDDLE OF JANUARY!!! Say a girl gets pregnant in oh - I don't know - April and thinks "ROCK ON! I don't have to suffer through the heat my last trimester because I'M DUE IN JANUARY!!!! Have I mentioned that it's JANUARY and it's 80 degrees AND I'm sweating and I'M DUE TOMORROW - TOMORROW FOLKS!!!! Okay - I think you've had enough of CAPS and exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!)

  2. If you know my real name isn't Em-Cat and you're one of my super-cool secret friends and you haven't thought to check my super-cool secret blog for a while, go here for the 411 on how my prego-self is doing. If you are all of the above and haven't gotten an invite to my super-cool blog let me know and I'll add you to my list of peeps.

  3. Have you checked out this blog? If you haven't and you love to get fun, clever ideas - I think it would be in your best interest to check it every day like me. Did I mention that I obsessively check blogs? Sometimes I check them like 3 times a day - that's how pathetic bed rest has made me. Oh - this is another blog that will make you belly-laugh at least once a day - that is, if you like a good belly-laugh, which I do.

  4. Okay - this last one just made me laugh and I had to share it with y'all...it has nothing to do with me or my pregnancy, other than I can relate because pregnancy has made me a complete idiot. P.S. I totally stole it from another blog, but whatev - if you haven't figured out yet that I'm an utterly shameless idea-stealer, then I think you can just go check someone else's honest and scrupulous blog.


k8theriver said...

DO YOU NO(sorry)t use bloglines or google or some other site feeder that tells you when new posts are up? it doesn't work for private blogs so maybe that is what you are checking 3 times a day.

Em-Cat said...

Yeah - I know I should use a site feeder, but I'm kind of addicted to my obsession with checking blogs every day. It gives me something to do. I know - it's a little idiotic, but I'm cool with it.

Anonymous said...
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Shana said...

Let's just say, wah, about the 80 degrees! :o)

Michael Roberts said...

Wow, that was so funny! I am Robbies cousin mikey

Melissa said...

No, actually this one wasn't just clever in your head. I liked it. :-)

Patti said...

So who was that blonde, anyway? The funniest part was that she didn't even know how dumb she is!! I'm still laughing. Thanks for sharing. :)

Em-Cat said...

The blonde is Kelly Pickler. I think she was a finalist on American Idol.