Monday, March 8, 2010

I Heart Snuggies

It's true. I thought they were really dumb until I tried one on while visiting my family over Christmas. Genius I tell you...ABSOLUTE GENIUS!!! (Insert evil cackle) Anyhoo - this is a funny video, and kinda true. Though I still want a Snuggie as soon as possible because I truly HEART Snuggies.

P.S. This hasn't been much of a writing blog lately. I have had quite a few things going on here.


Stephanie said...

come on over and use my snuggie any time!!! :-)

Cecily R said...

You and Gracie...she's been BEGGING me for one of those darn things. Great minds and all that stuff I guess. :)

Chuck & Sue said...

That video is hilarious!!! You totally crack me up!!!!!

Em-Cat said...

Wow Stephanie...I'm not that kind of girl...I'm a married woman! My partying days are over. ;-)

Mary said...

That video was awesome! I have a snuggie-- honestly, I don't use it much. But I, like much of the rest of the world, had to have one.