Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm so excited I could pee...and in my current state, it's not a difficult thing to do.

It actually happens all the time...sigh...

Oh - and I forgot to post my favorite quote from the deleted scenes from season four:

Dwight: I notice you're wearing open-toed shoes. Since when did you become a whore?
Angela: There are a lot of things you don't know about me.

I swear some of the deleted scenes from season four were funnier than the episodes themselves. Who votes for directors cuts on the DVDs so we can see them uncut from beginning to end? I DO!!!


k8theriver said...

it is on my calendar.

Evaly said...

I can't wait...thanks for making me laugh :)

caribickley said...

I must admit that I have tried to watch this show several times and have not laughed once. I did however laugh at "Slap Face" Maybe I should try again. SEE YA

Rebecca said...

It good to know that I am not the only crazy counting down the days....
You want to know how office dorky I am....I have the office theme as my cel ring. Yep. pretty much dorky!